Tuition Services

As professional online tutors we offer a range of services. If you just need help with a few problems, a complete GCSE or A-level course from scratch, or anything in-between, we can help, so please get in touch.

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One - to - one tutorials

We will work with the student to quickly find the problems they are having, then rebuild their knowledge or correct their misconceptions, making the relevant science or maths clear and easy to understand. Ultimately driving our students towards their best, while making the learning process fun, enjoyable and inspirational.   

Increased confidence

Confidence and work ethic are the key drivers to success. We support students to improve their study skills to build long term success.

The pandemic has had a massive impact on education.  With our tuition, we can help you catch up and get ahead. 

Get in touch for more details.

Worksheets and problems

After every tutorial we will provide worksheets and problems. These will be selected for the level of the student and they will be relevant to their exam board. We set work that is designed to challenge students, route out any gaps, misunderstandings or miscomprehension that they might have, so that we can correct this in future tutorials. We also provide free worksheets on this site:


We both have a Bachelor’s Degree in Physics, and Post Graduate Certificate in Education (science specialising physics). We have both taught for three years in a secondary school as a fully qualified teacher.

Chemistry and Maths

The Online Physics Tutor has  Master’s degree from the Nottingham University School of Chemistry and a PhD in Chemical Physics as well as completing three semesters of undergraduate mathematics. Couple this with over fourteen years’ experience teaching and tutoring these subjects, this all means that I am one of the most qualified and experienced tutors for both chemistry and maths.

Exam technique

Working as an examiner for the major exam boards in the UK has given us a detailed understanding of examination requirements, we extend this insight to our students, giving them not only the required knowledge for their exams but also the very best exam technique and problem solving skills. This gives our students the confidence they need to reach their full potential.

Frequently Asked Questions


How does online tutoring work?

Tutorials online are conducted over Google meet out, Skype or Zoom using BitPaper. Skype or Zoom means students can see me and talk to me via a video call. You will need to download Skype or Zoom before your first session.

BitPaper is an interactive white board, it requires no download as it just works through a web browser, preferably Google Chrome. Please go to and give it a try.

What is your availability?

Our working hours are 8am - 9pm, Monday - Friday and 8am - 6pm Weekends. Please see contact us page for my current availability. For waiting list please include in your email the days and times that you are available, and I will do my best to find you a suitable slot.


How often should we have tutorials?

The number of sessions is up to your own requirements and budget. The majority of my students have one or two sessions per week. Some independent students taking physics, chemistry and maths have had up to six sessions a week.  We always try to be flexible with our students. Should you want to increase or decrease your contact time with me we will do ]our best to accommodate your needs.

Is online tutoring as effective as face-to-face tutorials?

Once a student tries online tuition we find the majority prefer online to face-to-face.

Online tutorials are usually more effective than face-to-face session. With a huge collection of resources at our fingertips, and the student in their own home, or other comfortable environment, this is more conducive to an effective learning environment. 

The only time an online tutorials is less effective is when technology lets us down. Contact us for tips on how to avoid this.

How do I pay?

Tutorial must be paid for in advance. On the first of the month we will send you an invoice for tutorials during that month. Payment details will be shown on the invoice. We prefer payment by bank transfer if possible, PayPal is another option, especially for international clients, if you would prefer a different payment method just let us know. A late fee of 5% will be applied if invoices are not paid within a week.

Dr Andrew Gibson BSc PGCE MSc PhD QTS
Mr Lander Bennewith MSc PGCE QTS 

Our availability rates and contact details.

Find out more about our background in physics and education.

After A-level and GSCE resources?
Check out our free worksheets.

Take a look at how online tutoring works and other FAQs.

Contact:  Lander  +447449 690051 or Andy +447740366007
Copyright © 2024 Andrew Gibson.  All Rights Reserved.
 Address: 42 Gunthorpe Road, NG4 4JF